Saturday, October 1, 2011


Fibroids are non-cancerous growths in the uterus. They can occur in the wall of the uterus or inside the uterine cavity, in the cervix (the part below the uterus) or at times even on the outer side of the uterus. They are usually made of the muscle tissue of the uterus & some blood vessels. They are often asymptomatic & usually go undetected till they start producing symptoms.


·         Most women with uterine fibroids have no symptoms or just mild symptoms and do not need treatment.

·         Painful menstruation, heavy bleeding during menses: Excessively heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding is a common symptom. Passing blood clots and being unable to leave the house during the heaviest day of flow. As a result, may lead to anemia, also known as a low blood count.  Anemia can cause fatigue, headaches and lightheadedness.

·         Pelvic Discomfort — Women with large fibroids may feel heaviness or pressure in their lower abdomen or pelvis. Often this is described as a vague discomfort rather than a sharp pain. Sometimes, the enlarged uterus makes it difficult to lie face down, bend over or exercise without discomfort.

·         Dull pain in the pelvic region: Usually, the pain is localized to a specific spot and improves on its own within two to four weeks. However, chronic pelvic pain can also occur. This type of pain is usually mild but persistent and confined to a specific area.

·         Bleeding in between 2 menstrual cycles

·         Bladder Complaints: The most common bladder complaint is needing to urinate frequently due to pressing of fibroid against the bladder. Occasionally, women are unable to urinate despite a full bladder.

·         Infertility can be a Serious complication.

·         Interference with the growth of the fetus during pregnancy & could also cause problems during delivery.

·         Other complications could be infection, severe haemorrhage or occasionally it may develop into cancer.


Allopathic treatment usually consists of surgery as there is no medical cure for it, but homeopathy can avoid surgery especially if treatment is begun before the fibroids become too large.

 used homeopathic medicines / remedies for fibroids are:Conium, Hydrastis, Hydrocotyl, Merc sol, Nitric acid, Trillium pendulum, Thlapsi bursa pestoris

1 comment:

  1. Do you suffer FIBROID? The cure/solution is available now, Dr. Uduehi has the solution to fibroid and I am a testimony to his medication. I was a victim of UTERINE FIBROID for years. I had Pelvic pain, heavy menstrual bleeding symptoms and miscarriages. I took different type medicine and even did surgery and it came back after some time, I read about Dr. Uduehi’s recommendation online and I reached out to him and the fibroid shrink totally after the medication and it’s more than a year since I got free no sign of fibroid and am pregnant now for the first time. Doctor’s contact: +234-708-487-8384 (
