Monday, December 6, 2010

Trichotillomania and Homeopathy

 What Is Trichotillomania?
Trichotillomania is a type of psychological condition, caused by some chemical imbalance in the brain, which involves strong urges to pull out one's own hair from scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, or pubic area.
Some people may also exhibit other compulsive habits, such as nail biting or skin picking. Others have additional problems like depression, anxiety, or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Compulsive behaviors like trichotillomania involve brain chemistry and may be genetic and thus can sometimes run in families.
Girls are more affected by trichotillomania than boys. Most people develop it during adolescence. But trichotillomania can start in kids as young as 1 year old.
  • Pulling out their hair one strand at a time or large handfuls of hair, which can leave bald patches on the scalp or eyebrows.
  • Some have the tendency to inspect the strand after pulling it out or play with the hair after it's been pulled.
  • About half have the tendency to put the hair in their mouths after pulling it. Some people are very aware of their pulling; others seem to do it without really noticing what they're doing.
Socio-psychological Impact :
  • Embarrassment, frustration, shame, or depression about the condition. Most people may worry about what others will think or say, thus they usually try to hide the behavior from others — even their families, which can make it difficult to get help.

  • Some are self-conscious about how hair pulling affects their appearance and might feel less confident about making friends or dating.

  • People feel powerless to control the urge to pull or blame themselves for not being able to stop. Feelings like these can cause a person's self-image to suffer.

Some Medical complications
2.Permanent loss of hair,
3. Repetitive stress injury
4. Carpal tunnel syndrome, and
5.Gastrointestinal obstruction ... as a result of trichophagia ( ingestion of hair that is pulled out).
What compels people to Pull Their Hair?
Though no definite causes of trichotillomania is known yet, some doctors think it could be related to
  1. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), since both involve repetitive behaviors or
  2.  It may be caused by an imbalance in the brain’s chemistry.
  3. Some people with Trichotillomania notice sensations in their scalp that can only be relieved by pulling and notice a satisfying feeling when they pull their hair.
  4. Some find a mark relief in their anxiety levels when they pull their hair.
  5.  Others don't even notice when they pull and do it without thinking.

How to Control
People with trichotillomania usually need help from medical and behavioral specialists to control or stop it because , the urges and habits that lead to hair pulling are so strong, that it may lead to more tension or anxiety when first trying to resist the urge.
1.     CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) or The Talk Therapy
2.     Medication
3.     Both 1 and 2
4.     Keep The Hand Busy: It helpful to keep the hands busy with a different activity (like squeezing a stress ball, handling textured objects, or drawing) during times when they sit  in one place for long periods of time when a pulling urge is the strongest.


If TTM occurs,
The condition is typically self-limiting and no kind of intervention is required when occurred before five years of age. The adult onset may be secondary to underlying psychiatric disturbances and has a more protracted course.
Secondary infections may occur due to picking and scratching, but other complications are rare.


Homeopathic medicines are mind and body medicines and since trichotillomania is psychosomatic ailment ( ie. affecting both mind and body), thus, the holistic approach of homeopathy proves to be most effective system of medicine for the treatment of psychosomatic disorders

Belladonna: Where all five senses are affected. The patient lives in his own world, engrossed by specters and visions and oblivious to surrounding realities. The patient is wildly delirious, excited, ferocious, noisy, cries out, talks fast, very restless, with a desire to escape. There is fear of imaginary things and he or she becomes quarrelsome.
Cuprum: The patient is also bad tempered and sulky. Nervous, uneasy, weeps violently, fears society, shuns severybody, feels confused and afraid of anybody who approaches him.
Stramonium: Where patient awakes terrified, screams with fright and if a child, clings to those near him. The patient talk ceaselessly and there is religious insanity or self-accusation. The patient desires company or is either shy and hides or tries to escape.
Tarentula: There is destructive impulse with sudden alteration of moods. She must busy herself or walk constantly. Where there is a marked aversion to the colors, black, red, yellow and green. The patient lacks control and is erratic and impulsive. He or she is malingering when there are no observers, but when anyone’s looking will begin to twitch, faint and pretend to attract attention. Though there is marked aversion to company, but wants someone to be present around.
Patient feels better by brushing hair or rubbing the head.

Some Rubrics from Radar

Sub- rubric
Hair- desire to pull- her own hair
Ars, Bell, Cupr
SCRATCHING with hands

Arn, bell, stram, tarent.

Loss of self- control
Arg-nt, Lach , sulph, tarent.
Pulls the
BELL, CUPR, med, tarent

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Dengue' also known as “Breakbone” fever is a mosquito-transmitted viral disease.

It usually presents itself in 2 forms;

  1. Simple Dengue Fever
  2. Dengue hemorrhagic Fever ( DHF)/ Dengue shock syndrome (DSS) 
Dengue fever usually affects people living in tropical regions and it manifests with a sudden episode of high fever.
It has no mortality, have a self limiting course and the patient usually recovers within five to seven days.

The symptoms of Classical dengue fever ;

·         Sudden onset with chills and high fever raised from 102 to 105 degree and continued about 3-5 days,
·         Intense headache(retro-orbital),
·         Severe muscle and backbone pain,
·         Vomiting, tastelessness, weakness, dry tongue, constipation,
·         Reddish eye, and oedoma on face.

The fever lasts for 5-7 days after which the recovery is usually complete. The chance of fatality is very low.

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever :It is a more serious form of Dengue fever caused by infection of double Dengue virus and affects a small proportion of patients who are affected by dengue fever.

The clinical manifestations are:
·         Fever-acute onset-continues-lasting for 2-7 days;
·         Liver enlargement and tenderness. Pain feels at pressure on liver.
·         Nausea and vomiting, abdomen pain,
·         Severe pain on whole body especially in backbone and joints.
·         Haemorrage- Bleeding under skin.-Bleeding from nose.-Gum bleeding.-Blood in vomiting.-Blood in stool

Homoeopathic management

Simple Dengue fever The most useful medicines for this type of dengue fever are Arsenic album, Bryonia, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Gelsemium, and Rhus toxicodendron

Dengue Haemorrhagic fever (DHF) can be treated with Crotalus horridus, Ferrum metallcum, Hamamelis, Ipecac, Lachesis and Secale-cor . .

These medicines can be safely used in every patient preferably 30 or 200 potency as per the indications and should be taken strictly under the supervision of qualified homeopathic doctors.

Regular monitoring of patients platelet count and leucocytes count is to be maintained

Preventive for Dengue in Homeopathy
Simple Dengue Fever (DF)

Eupatorium perfoliatum 200 can be taken twice daily for three days and subsequently at least two doses a week at the interval of three - four day till the epidemic persist for the prevention of dengue fever.

Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF)

Ipecac in 200 potency can be given twice a day for three days and two doses a week in all the patients those who have already suffered with the dengue fever and are prone for dengue haemorrhagic fever.

These medicines are safe without any side effects, but it is always better if these are used in consultation with the nearest qualified homoeopathic doctor. 

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Signs of Normal Development

Learning starts in infancy, long before formal education begins, and continues throughout life. The early years of human development establish the basic architecture and function of the brain. From newborns to teens parents often have questions and wonder if their children are developing normally. 

It is very important for each one of us (doctors and parents ) to know signs of normal development in a child from infancy to early childhood, so as to identify any developmental disorder ( Autism, Downs syndrome, strabismus, mental retardations and others ) at its earliest and get it treated.


Skills  awareness and  Abilities



Social Response


Birth -
3 months

Responds to new sounds
Follows movement of hands
  with eyes
Looks at object and people
Waves hands and feet
Grasps objects
Watches movement of
  own hands
Coos and makes sounds
Smiles at mother's voice
Enjoys being tickled and
Makes brief eye contact
  during feeding
Opens mouth to bottle or
  breast and sucks

3-6 months
Recognizes mother
Reaches for things
Lifts head and chest
Bangs objects in play

Turns head to sounds and
Begins babbling
Imitates sounds
Varies cry
Notices strangers and new
Expresses pleasure or
Likes physical play
Eats baby food from spoon
Reaches for and holds

6-9 months
Imitates simple gestures
Responds to name
Stands by holding on to things
Claps hands
Moves objects from one
  hand to the other
Makes nonsense syllables
  like gaga
Uses voice to get attention
Plays peek-a-boo
Enjoys other children
Understands social signals like
  smiles or harsh tones
Drink from a cup with help

9-12 months
Plays simple games
Moves to reach desired objects
Looks at pictures in books

Walks holding on to furniture
Deliberately lets go of an object
Makes markes with a pencil or
Waves bye-bye
Stops when told "no"
Imitates new words
Laughs aloud during play
Shows preference for one toy
  over another
Responds to adult's change in
Feeds self with fingers
Drinks from cup

12-18 months
Imitates unfamiiar sounds
  and gestures
Points to a desired object
Creeps upstairs and downstairs
Walks alone
Stacks blocks
Shakes head to mean "no"
Begins using words
Follows simple commands
Repeats a performance
  laughed at
Shows emotions like fear or
Returns a kiss or hug
Moves to help in dressing
Indicates wet diaper

18-24 months
Identifies parts of own body
Attends to nursery rhymes
Points to pictures in books
Jumps in place
Pushes and pulls objects
Turns pages of book one
  by one
Uses fingers and thumb
Uses two words to describe
Refers to self by name
Cries a bit when parents leave
Becomes easily frustrated
Pays attention to other
Removes clothes without
Unwraps things

24-36 months
Matches shapes and objects
Enjoys picture books
Recognizes self in mirror
Counts to ten
icks and throws ball
Runs and jumps
Draws straight lines
Strings beads
Tries tossing along songs and rhythm
Uses three-word phrases
Uses simple pronouns
Follows two instructions at
  a time
Pretends and plays make
Avoids dangerous situations
Initiates play
Attempts to take turns
Feeds self with spoon
Uses toilet with some help

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


1. Cuts, Scrapes & Bruises

Clean wound with a sterile gauze soaked in calendula and hypericum lotion.


· Moderate to severe bruising:

Remedy: Arnica Montana

Local Application: Apply calendula cream or ointment.

· Wound feels cold and numb. Soothing feeling with cold compress.

Remedy: Ledum Palustre

· Wounds with shooting nerve pain.

Remedy: Hypericum Perforatum

2. Minor Burns & Scalding

Avoid touching burnt or scalded area as much as possible.

i. Hold under cold running water to cool skin surface and reduce pain.

ii. Apply Urtica ointment to soothe the wound.

If a burn surface is larger than 3-4 inches in diameter, see a healthcare professional immediately.


· Blistering burn or scalding. Searing pain. Applying a cold compress provides soothing relief.

Remedy: Arnica Montana, followed by Cantharis

· Continuous stinging and burning pain.

Remedy : Urtica Urens

3. Insect Bites & Stings

Insect bite and sting pain, swelling and at times infection.

Remove bee or wasp stinger with sterile tweezers.

If sting is inside the mouth, nose, ear, or if it's in or around the eyes, rinse with cold water to reduce swelling and see a healthcare professional immediately.


· Stung area is swollen, bruised and painful


Arnica Montana ,followed by Ledum Palustre

· Stung area is red, feels hot and swollen

Remedy: Apis Mellifica

4. Eye Injuries

The eye is delicate and easily damaged by pressure, injury and foreign objects.

• Wash dust and grit from the eye with cold water.

• Bathe with calendula& Hypericum solution to prevent infection.

• If still painful after removing object, bathe eye with euphrasia solution every 4 hours.

All eye injuries should be examined by a healthcare professional.


· Black eye or bruising around the eye after injury.

Remedy :Arnica Montana

· Black eye. Persistent pain that is soothed by applying a cold compress

Remedy :Ledum Palustre

· Persistent pain after removing a foreign object.

Remedy : Euphrasia Officinalis

5. Sprains & Strains

Sprains caused by overstretching of ligaments may bind the joints. This can range from mild to severe which can also affect the muscles. Symptoms include swelling, stiffness and pain whenever joint or muscle is used.

• Provide support to injured area in the most comfortable position.

•To reduce swelling apply a cold compress soaked in cold water

and 10 drops of arnicatincture.

• If the ankle is sprained, provide firm support and apply

arnica cream.


· Pulled tendons and ligaments accompanied by pain and stiffness.

Remedy:Arnica Montana, followed by Ruta Graveolens

· Torn muscle, hot swollen joints, pain is worse on start of move and wares off with continued movement.

Remedy : Arnica Montana, followed by Rhus Toxicodendron

6. Splinters

Remove splinter with sterile tweezers.

If not inoculated against tetanus within the past 10 years, see a healthcare professional immediately.


· Stinging burning pain.

Applying a warm compress may draw splinter closer to the surface.

Remedy: Silicea

7. Blisters

Bubbles of fluid under the skin caused by friction or burning.

If blisters burst, bathe with calendula and hypericum solution.


· Itching, burning blisters.

A cold compress provides soothing relief.

· Red, swollen and itchy blisters.

Remedy: Rhus Toxicodendron

8. Nosebleeds

Hold head up in a seated position while pinching the lower part of the nostrils firmly for about 10 minutes, then release slowly

If bleeding persists, see a healthcare professional.


· Nosebleed after an injury.

Remedy :Arnica Montana

· Nosebleed brought on by blowing the nose violently.

Remedy: Phosphorus

Monday, July 19, 2010


Autism is a brain disorder in which a person's ability to communicate, to form relationships with others, and to respond appropriately to the environment is seriously impaired.



· Impaired Social and interpersonal behavior


MIND - INDIFFERENCE, apathy - surroundings, to the




MIND – AFFECTION – show affection unable to

MIND - COMPANY - aversion to

MIND – SOLITUDE, desire for

MIND – AILMENTS – Forced, from being


· Impairment in language and non verbal communication


MIND - SPEECH – inarticulate

MIND - SPEECH – inarticulate, sound

MIND - SPEECH – names can not pronounce

MIND - SPEECH - wanting

MIND - SPEECH - incoherent

MIND - TALKING - himself, to

MIND – Abstract thinking

MIND – THINKING - Abstract thinking, inability for

Behavioral Characteristics


MIND - ROCKING - desire for being rocked

MIND - GESTURES, makes - repeating the same actions

MIND – GESTURES – make automatic


MIND - OBSTINATE, headstrong

MIND - CHANGE - aversion to

MIND - NEW IDEAS - aversion to

MIND – Hyperactive Children

GENERALS – ENERGY – Excess of energy, children in

· Mental retardation

MIND - DEVELOPMENT of children arrested


MIND - IDIOCY - bite, desire to


MIND - IMBECILITY - shrieks when occupying with him


GENERALS - CHILDREN, affections in


· Other features varying in individuals

MIND - BITING – nails

MIND - GESTURES, makes - fingers - mouth; children put fingers into the

MIND - MUSIC - desire for

MOUTH - SPEECH – wanting – accompanied by convulsions

GENERALS - CONVULSIONS - speak, on attempting to

MIND – AUTISM – Vaccination after

GENERALS – VACCINATION, ailments after

MIND – FEAR – noises from

MIND – FEAR – animals from

MIND – LAUGHNING – immoderately