Sunday, January 23, 2011


Condition:   Anxiety Neurosis
Drug:   Nat Mur and Sepia


35 year old female, worried about small things. Anxious when any family member is late home. Child irritates her and gets on her nerves. Always annoyed with her husband, though he is a good husband. Very conscious about her skin complaints. Oily, greasy skin. Forgetful, easily distracted, irritable with least noise and trembles with least excitement.  Flares up in an argument. Can not bear any contradiction. Sensitive to what others say about her. Takes offence easily. Tears do not come out easily. Panicky. Worries about her own health. Pain in abdomen as soon as she eats, worse too hot weather. Fears the dark. Aversion to milk.  Worse when she is alone by her self. Very irritable and cross. Always depressed before menses.

Symptoms for Repertorising

Worse heat, fear dark; worse alone, irritable; intolerant to contradiction; easily offended; hypochondriacal; worry trifles; aversion milk; depression before menses; trembling; excitement on conversation; sensitive to noise.
The following medicines came through;
Ars, Cal, Lyco, Puls, Nat Mur, Sepia.


Sepia 200, single dose was given. Returned not so worried. Next time her indigestion was better. Though she was better in some ways but was still easily irritated. Snappy with husband.  Headaches worse reading and sewing ( though occultist reported no glasses required).
Again the case was repertorised with these fresh symptoms and Nat Mur was thought of as Nat Mur often complements Sepia. Nat Mur 200 single dose was administered. Came back with no headache and in dew time was completely fine.


In this case, criticism can be made that on repertorising a number of symptoms as were present in this case that the same drugs always come through. But if we analyze carefully we will see what is true of such a number of drugs is that these drugs we know do have most of the symptoms of the patient. Moreover this is only the initial steps of repertorising. To choose a drug it is important for it to confirm a peculiar symptom to the case, which Sepia justified with its snappishness towards husband and aversion to children, highly marked in Sepia and no other drug. She had no confirmatory symptoms of Ars, Cal or Lyc. She was too irritable and not enough weepy for Puls.
After administering sepia we saw that the symptoms were improved but not removed. On retaking we found the irritability with headaches worse reading and sewing without any refractive error. And one felt that Sepia is not enough.
Then it was remembered that drugs frequent have complements and that Nat Mur is complementary to Sepia. Thus Nat Mur was given and finished the job.