Saturday, August 21, 2010


Dengue' also known as “Breakbone” fever is a mosquito-transmitted viral disease.

It usually presents itself in 2 forms;

  1. Simple Dengue Fever
  2. Dengue hemorrhagic Fever ( DHF)/ Dengue shock syndrome (DSS) 
Dengue fever usually affects people living in tropical regions and it manifests with a sudden episode of high fever.
It has no mortality, have a self limiting course and the patient usually recovers within five to seven days.

The symptoms of Classical dengue fever ;

·         Sudden onset with chills and high fever raised from 102 to 105 degree and continued about 3-5 days,
·         Intense headache(retro-orbital),
·         Severe muscle and backbone pain,
·         Vomiting, tastelessness, weakness, dry tongue, constipation,
·         Reddish eye, and oedoma on face.

The fever lasts for 5-7 days after which the recovery is usually complete. The chance of fatality is very low.

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever :It is a more serious form of Dengue fever caused by infection of double Dengue virus and affects a small proportion of patients who are affected by dengue fever.

The clinical manifestations are:
·         Fever-acute onset-continues-lasting for 2-7 days;
·         Liver enlargement and tenderness. Pain feels at pressure on liver.
·         Nausea and vomiting, abdomen pain,
·         Severe pain on whole body especially in backbone and joints.
·         Haemorrage- Bleeding under skin.-Bleeding from nose.-Gum bleeding.-Blood in vomiting.-Blood in stool

Homoeopathic management

Simple Dengue fever The most useful medicines for this type of dengue fever are Arsenic album, Bryonia, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Gelsemium, and Rhus toxicodendron

Dengue Haemorrhagic fever (DHF) can be treated with Crotalus horridus, Ferrum metallcum, Hamamelis, Ipecac, Lachesis and Secale-cor . .

These medicines can be safely used in every patient preferably 30 or 200 potency as per the indications and should be taken strictly under the supervision of qualified homeopathic doctors.

Regular monitoring of patients platelet count and leucocytes count is to be maintained

Preventive for Dengue in Homeopathy
Simple Dengue Fever (DF)

Eupatorium perfoliatum 200 can be taken twice daily for three days and subsequently at least two doses a week at the interval of three - four day till the epidemic persist for the prevention of dengue fever.

Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF)

Ipecac in 200 potency can be given twice a day for three days and two doses a week in all the patients those who have already suffered with the dengue fever and are prone for dengue haemorrhagic fever.

These medicines are safe without any side effects, but it is always better if these are used in consultation with the nearest qualified homoeopathic doctor. 

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Signs of Normal Development

Learning starts in infancy, long before formal education begins, and continues throughout life. The early years of human development establish the basic architecture and function of the brain. From newborns to teens parents often have questions and wonder if their children are developing normally. 

It is very important for each one of us (doctors and parents ) to know signs of normal development in a child from infancy to early childhood, so as to identify any developmental disorder ( Autism, Downs syndrome, strabismus, mental retardations and others ) at its earliest and get it treated.


Skills  awareness and  Abilities



Social Response


Birth -
3 months

Responds to new sounds
Follows movement of hands
  with eyes
Looks at object and people
Waves hands and feet
Grasps objects
Watches movement of
  own hands
Coos and makes sounds
Smiles at mother's voice
Enjoys being tickled and
Makes brief eye contact
  during feeding
Opens mouth to bottle or
  breast and sucks

3-6 months
Recognizes mother
Reaches for things
Lifts head and chest
Bangs objects in play

Turns head to sounds and
Begins babbling
Imitates sounds
Varies cry
Notices strangers and new
Expresses pleasure or
Likes physical play
Eats baby food from spoon
Reaches for and holds

6-9 months
Imitates simple gestures
Responds to name
Stands by holding on to things
Claps hands
Moves objects from one
  hand to the other
Makes nonsense syllables
  like gaga
Uses voice to get attention
Plays peek-a-boo
Enjoys other children
Understands social signals like
  smiles or harsh tones
Drink from a cup with help

9-12 months
Plays simple games
Moves to reach desired objects
Looks at pictures in books

Walks holding on to furniture
Deliberately lets go of an object
Makes markes with a pencil or
Waves bye-bye
Stops when told "no"
Imitates new words
Laughs aloud during play
Shows preference for one toy
  over another
Responds to adult's change in
Feeds self with fingers
Drinks from cup

12-18 months
Imitates unfamiiar sounds
  and gestures
Points to a desired object
Creeps upstairs and downstairs
Walks alone
Stacks blocks
Shakes head to mean "no"
Begins using words
Follows simple commands
Repeats a performance
  laughed at
Shows emotions like fear or
Returns a kiss or hug
Moves to help in dressing
Indicates wet diaper

18-24 months
Identifies parts of own body
Attends to nursery rhymes
Points to pictures in books
Jumps in place
Pushes and pulls objects
Turns pages of book one
  by one
Uses fingers and thumb
Uses two words to describe
Refers to self by name
Cries a bit when parents leave
Becomes easily frustrated
Pays attention to other
Removes clothes without
Unwraps things

24-36 months
Matches shapes and objects
Enjoys picture books
Recognizes self in mirror
Counts to ten
icks and throws ball
Runs and jumps
Draws straight lines
Strings beads
Tries tossing along songs and rhythm
Uses three-word phrases
Uses simple pronouns
Follows two instructions at
  a time
Pretends and plays make
Avoids dangerous situations
Initiates play
Attempts to take turns
Feeds self with spoon
Uses toilet with some help