Monday, June 20, 2011

Dyslexia and Homeopathy

Dyslexia is one of the most common learning disorder in which the patient face difficulty in learning to read and write correctly.
It is present since birth and usually runs in families. Symptoms are usually elicited during early school   days and may continue into adulthood also. It is more common in males as compare to females.
Most people suffering from dyslexia learn differently and work really hard to overcome their learning   problem.  Most of them have average or above average intelligence and many are gifted with unnatural talent.

Signs and Symptoms
Early Signs and symptoms
·    Delayed speech, as late as 3-5 years old.
·    Frequent ear infection
·    Difficulty  tying shoe laces
·    Confusion in left versus right,  before versus after, over versus under and other directions.
·    Difficulty in learning the names of letters, also difficulty writing alphabets in order.
People with dyslexia make specific types of errors showing a particular pattern.
·    The child may read one word on a page but, may not recognize it on the other page.
·    Difficulty in remembering what he has read, but will understand and remember when the same text is read to him.
·    Difficulty in understanding word problems in math, even though he is well verse with basic arithmetic.
·    Letters or words appear to be moving or jumping around on the page when he is reading or writing.
·    Mixing of letters, for example, reading the word "Left" as "Felt."
·    While reading a sentence, words may blend and spacing is lost.
·    They spell words as they sound, for example, Words as wrd, exactly as xaktly.
·    Unable to comprehend what he had read.
Spellings are worse than reading.
·    Child is poor with vowel sounds and often omits them while spelling a word.
·    It takes great effort for dyslexics to memorize a list of spellings for more than few hours.
·    Child even misspells while copying from the board or a book.
·    Child avoids writing whenever possible.
·    They face great difficulty in putting their thoughts on paper.
·    Makes mistakes while copying from a book or board.
·    Poor spacing and grammatical mistakes while writing a sentence.
·    Confusion while writing similar looking letters, for example, b,d,p,q.
·    Poor time management. Difficulty in finishing a test in given time limit.

·    Memory is good for things he has experienced, but poor for facts, sequences, and information that have not been experienced.
·    Difficulty in memorizing the right names for things, written list and phone numbers.
·    Makes mistakes in pronouncing words. E.g. dog for god.
·    Difficulty in speaking out his thoughts, i.e. Unable to put his thoughts in words.

On examination no hearing and speech problem is detected medically.
It is very common for people to present with one or two above mentioned symptoms, but that doesn't qualify them to be dyslexic. However someone who shows several of these signs and symptoms should be tested for the same.
A proper physical examination should be done to rule out any underlying medical problem.

Managing Dyslexia
·    Use of special learning and practice activities for dyslexia by teachers.
·    Given more time to complete assignments and tests.
·    Listening to record class lectures.
·    Emotional Support from family and friends is very important for people with dyslexia, as the get frustrated and are filled with low self esteem because no matter how hard they try, they are unable to keep pace with other students.

Dyslexia & Homeopathy
Dyslexia is a constitutional disorder and hence Homeopathy is the best choice of treatment along with the other management techniques, when dealing with it.

Some related rubrics from Radar

Common Clinical Features
Chapter in Radar
Corresponding Rubric
HEEDLESS - talking and writing; in
Weak Memory
MEMORY - weakness of memory
Mistakes while writing
MISTAKES; making - writing, in
MISTAKES; making - writing, in - adding letters
MISTAKES; making - writing, in - confounding letters
Difficulty in writing thoughts on paper
MISTAKES; making - writing, in - thoughts; from fast
Mistakes while reading
MISTAKES; making - reading, in - reversing letters and words
MISTAKES; making - reading, in - skipping lines
MISTAKES; making - reading, in - words - adding words
MISTAKES; making - reading, in - words - omitting words
Motor Skills- ambidextrous
MISTAKES; making - side; about left and right
Speech and Spellings
MISTAKES; making - speaking, in - words - wrong words; using -
side or vice versa; putting right for left
WRITING - inability for
WRITING - inability for - connectedly
WRITING - indistinctly, writes
MISTAKES; making - speaking, in - spelling, in
MISTAKES; making - speaking, in - syllables - wrong syllables
MISTAKES; making - speaking, in – words
MISTAKES; making - speaking, in - vertigo; with
MISTAKES; making - speaking, in - words - misplacing words
MISTAKES; making - speaking, in - words - mispronouncing words
MISTAKES; making - speaking, in - words - omitting words
MISTAKES; making - speaking, in - words - new words; makes
MISTAKES; making - speaking, in - words - reversing words
MISTAKES; making - speaking, in - words - wrong words; using
making - speaking, in - words - wrong words; using -
names; calls things by wrong
making - speaking, in - words - wrong words; using -
opposite, hot for cold
MISTAKES; making - speaking, in - words - wrong words; using -
plums, when he means pears; says
MISTAKES; making - speaking, in - words - wrong words; using -
seen instead of the one desired; name of the object
MISTAKES; making - speaking, in - words - wrong words; using -
side or vice versa; putting right for left
MISTAKES; making - speaking, in - words - wrong words; using -
stop in the middle of a sentence and to change it entirely; obliged to

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