Saturday, October 1, 2011


Homeopathic for delayed puberty in Girls: 

If a girl having completed 16 years of age does not start menstruating, it needs to be investigated.

·         First we need to rule out simple physiological or constitutional delay. These Children  are otherwise healthy but have a slower rate of physical development than average have constitutional delay in growth and adolescence. 

·         Secondly it needs to be seen whether her nutritional status is normal i.e. whether she is undernourished (Anorexia nervosa, Zinc deficiency). If so, correcting the diet should solve the problem.

·         Thirdly rule out any systemic disease e.g. Inflammatory bowel disease, chronic renal failure.

·         Next it is important for the doctor to have a routine conversation & a routine check-up with her just to rule out some of the common congenital disorders which could be the cause of the problem.

If everything is normal, a sonography of the pelvis followed by a few hormonal tests must be undertaken to find the cause if any.
Hormonal deficiencies  such as deficiency of female hormones or thyroid deficiency will need to be treated and  homeopathy can help a great deal.


·         If a child is healthy, but simply late, only reassurance and prediction based on the bone age can be provided. No other intervention is usually necessary..
·         If the delay is due to systemic disease or under nutrition, the therapeutic intervention is likely to focus mainly on those conditions.
·         Any other hormonal deficiency can be take care with Homeopathy.

Some commonly used homeopathic medicines / remedies in delayed puberty are:  Calcarea carb,Natrum mur, Pulsatilla, Ignatia,Baryta carb, Graphites etc. 

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