Homeopathy is a powerful system, which assists the natural tendency of the body to heal itself and restores health and well-being in a unique way by correcting the spiritual imbalance that lies at the core of all illness. It recognizes that symptoms of ill health are expressions of disharmony within the whole person and understands that it is the patient who needs treatment not the disease.
It is the Art of healing (homeopathy), through which one can gradually and permanently overcome chronic or life-long physical, psychological ailments as well as spiritual obstacles that have not responded to any other therapeutic approach.
Homeopathic treatment gives rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health, in a most harmless and reliable way.
Homeopathy, ascientific method of Healing
Homeopathy is based on the application of the law of similar (similia similibus curanture) i.e. Like is cured by like. This scientific method of treatment is the result of man’s search for a method to promote efficient, gentle and permanent healing.
It was Dr.Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician (1755-1843), who pursued this philosophical and scientific quest .After years of perfecting this therapeutic method, he called it homeopathy, the union of two Greek words, homoios meaning "similar," and pathos meaning, "what one feels( sufferings)". I.e. homeopathy treats sick people with remedies that, in crude doses, would produce in healthy people symptoms similar to those of the disease needing to be overcome.
Homeopathy being the essence of the art of healing when well practiced is the medicine of choice to recover one's health from the great majority of acute and chronic problems.
Who all can benefit from homeopathic system of medicine?
· All those who have to depend on continuous intake ofmedications for their healthy state and well being or those who are compelledto follow a strict diet and a regimented lifestyle to sustain a healthy living:
· All those who afterexhausting all other treatment options are looking for a permanent cure for their chronic condition :
How does homeopathy work?
Homeopathy can be likened to surgery for the soul, because healing takes place through the precise action of homeopathic remedies on the spiritual core of the person.
By correcting this imbalance, which is always the cause of the physical and psychological ailments that we experience, the balance of body and mind is restored, freeing both to serve the higher purpose of our existence.
Once the spiritual cause of disease is removed, it is regularly observed that vast majority of conditions, even ones considered incurable, begin to shift toward health.
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